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Step-Up Grammar 5
[수입교재] 초등저학년 문법학습의 첫걸음 교재
난 이 도 :
구    성 : Lesson plan, TG, Lesson PPT
저    자 : Rosalind Fergusson
출 판 일 : 2011년 12월 1일
페이지/판형 : 80P/B5
          mp3 정답지 정오표 보충학습
YES24 인터파크
리뷰쓰기 리뷰보기
이 책의 시리즈 ( Step-up Grammar Series )
Step-Up Grammar 1
Rosalind Fergusson
  Step-Up Grammar 2
Rosalind Fergusson
  Step-Up Grammar 3
Rosalind Fergusson

[About the books/Series]

This series aims at developing a comprehensive and systematic understanding of English grammar. It is ideal for individual, group and class use.


- Focus on one grammar point in each unit

- Uses clear and concise explanations, examples and pictorial to aid learning

- Provides three graded activities for each topic

- Includes lesson plans and answers



Rosalind Fergusson, a former teacher, has spent 25 years compiling a wide range of language related reference books. She has contributed to ‘Chambers School Spelling’(2003), ‘Cassell Dictionary of English Idioms’(1999), ‘Macmillan Guide to English Grammar’(1998), among others.


초등1 ~ 6학년



Vocabulary test

Midterm test

Final test


Unit 1 Masculine, feminine, common-gender and neuter nouns

Unit 2 Reflexive pronouns

Unit 3 Relative pronouns

Unit 4 Quantifiers

Unit 5 Comparatives and superlatives

Unit 6 Common adjective endings

Unit 7 Modal verbs: can and must

Unit 8 The future tense: shall and will

Unit 9 Adverbs of frequency

Unit 10 Emphasizing adverbs

Unit 11 Prepositions

Unit 12 Conjunctions of time

Unit 13 More about conjunctions

Unit 14 Prefixes and suffixes

Unit 15 Verb agreement

Unit 16 Phrases

Unit 17 Clauses

Unit 18 Punctuation: hyphen and colon

Topical Grammar Practice 1
Sarah Philpot/Lesley Curnick
Step-Up Grammar 3
Rosalind Fergusson
I Love English 1
The Hermit Crab ELT Institute
Success with Reading 3 (Fourth Edition)
Zachary Fillingham , Owain Mckimm
iNTO Listening SKY 3
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